Database: Households on Universal Credit

Field: Payment Timeliness (New Claims)


The Payment Timeliness indicator shows the proportion of households that received either full or partial payment on time. It is broken down to show all claims and just new claims. Only households whose first assessment period spans the count date (the second Thursday of the month) are included in the new claims figures. The 'caseload month' is the month in which the count date falls (e.g. for the count date 9 May 2019 the caseload month is May 2019).

Households will have the indicator shown as 'Not applicable / not a new claim' in the following circumstances:


Applicable to: All Households

The Payment Timeliness for new claims indicator field can take the following values:

Total number of categories: 4

Quality Statement

In a small percentage of cases, an assessment period for a household can sometimes fall between two caseload dates. If this happens for the household's first assessment period then the payment timeliness information for this assessment period will not be included in these statistics.

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